026 – A Conversation Masterclass with Arya

026 – Arya is a good friend of Thomas’ who moved to the United States 7 years ago knowing no one in the country. He works as software engineer and holds a M.S. in Computer Science, and is an active meditation practitioner, photographer and DJ. Thomas and Arya discuss Arya’s personal growth since leaving India, how men can unlock empathy and the power of positivity, and his observations on American society.


2:45 – Arya’s origin story moving from Kolkata in India, and how easy schooling in the US is compared to in India
12:15 – Changes Arya has observed in himself since moving to the US knowing no one
16:00 – How leaving his home country made Arya less judgmental and the specific impact of San Francisco
20:45 – incremental personal growth and how to track it 
26:15 – Arya’s perspective on shifts men need to take in our society (intentionally building empathy and self-care)
31:45 – Arya’s journey to self-confidence and the implications for other people seeking to be more comfortable in their own skin
36:45 – The cyclical nature of live and how to widen your perspective to adopt a more positive mindset
39:45 – The difference between spiritual bypassing and real meditative work 
46:45 – Rejecting the status quo, improving your life and resisting instant gratification
53:15 – 3 Things Game : 

  • Arya’s question – what are 3 things you have learned from men?
  • Thomas’ question – what are 3 things you have learned about family?

Let me Know What Topics to Discuss Next!
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